Spook Central Webmaster, Paul Rudoff, Appears In Ghostbusters Comic Book

Spook Central Webmaster, Paul Rudoff, Appears In Ghostbusters Comic Book

Good for you, Paul!!!! 🙂

Welcome to the club, Paul. 😉

Congratulations Paul! This is truly an honour reserved for only the greatest Ghostbuster fans.

Has someone created a list of all the fans who have had their likeness in the IDW comics? I’m thinking of a few who were featured on the covers.

The Nick Runge covers?

Patrick Creel probably has a list for every issue. He’s a member of the Real Tampa Bay Ghostbusters

He also did an article here about it: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-613790

I’m not sure about the holiday covers but for the ongoing series – here’s what I have written down:

Issue #1

Cover B Ben King aka Kingpin (UK GB)
-Members of the Real Tampa Bay Ghostbusters
Patrick Creel, Ben Bond, Rob Pearson

Issue #2

Page 11 – Geoff Adams, of the Ghostbusters of British Columbia, is shoved by Jim Silver.

Issue #2 to Issue #8 (at least I think so, Runge mentions from Issue #2 and on he used this crew)

Vincent Nordone = Ray
-Members of the Real Tampa Bay Ghostbusters
Robby Fuselier = Peter
Patrick Creel = Egon
Rob Pearson = Winston

Issue #9

1) Page 15 – Chris Stewart of Proton Charging appears as one of the ghosts on surrounding Ray. He is Ray’s immediate left.

2) Page 15 – I appeared as well appeared as one of the ghosts on the right surrounding Ray.

3) Also from the wiki, Devilmanozzy appeared, too.

Issue #10

1) Page 14 – Kingpin appears as one of the Zombies. He is the one in the waistcoat to the right of Thriller Michael Jackson.

Congratulations Paul, you earned it! 8)

It totally made my millennium! Thanks for the congrats, everyone.

I never knew so many other fans were in the comics. I knew about the Tampa Bay Ghostbusters on some of the covers, but never about the rest. That’s so awesome.

If you want to offer Spook Central t-shirts and perhaps other merchandise at no start up cost to you, except your time you could use sites such as Spreadshirt or Cafe Press.

wow thats fantastic! Good for you!

Spengs – I was thinking about doing that. I just need to find the time. I had a couple other short ideas I could offer as well.

I know this news is old now, but that is really cool!!! Really happy for ya!

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