Ghostbusters Franchise History In Shadowland Magazine

Ghostbusters Franchise History In Shadowland Magazine

So… did the ongoing get a mention or is it a vague overview?

Just deciding if I want to add this to my stacks for future generations to enjoy. lol.

From your description, though, it sounds like it was more in depth than the norm, and that’s awesome!

Hi Erik

Nice to see you here.

GB2, EGB, 2009 video game, and the IDW series got the most in-depth coverage. In some ways, the article could be seen as a collection of mini-reviews for each of them. It pleasantly surprised me because GB2 and EGB are usually footnotes, at best, most of the time.

You and Dan even got name-checked: “IDWs material, though, is superior. The material they published at first, random mini-series and one-shots, were very hit-or-miss. Mostly misses. But that has changed with their new ongoing title just called Ghostbusters. Scripted by the brilliant Erik Burnham and drawn by the fandom-favorite caricaturist Dan Schoening, the book has been through a few story arcs now, and the great stories keep flying. The humor, as with the video game, is dead-on. Burnham understands what made the characters tick in the first place, and Dan’s art captures the humor alone!”

So, if you have any bit of ego in you, you’ll want to buy a copy of the magazine just for that very high praise alone 🙂

— Paul

Imagine my surprise that my regular haunt Spook Central is reviewing and praising the article I wrote!

How very weird. I’m actually a long time lurker in the community going back several years. I was once a moderator at before it went down for never-ending refurb. That’s why I’m so familiar with things that most people gloss over!

Thanks much Paul for spreading the word about Shadowland and my article. Makes me feel noticed for once!


Always glad to help…and hug!

— Paul

Always glad to read the positive reviews for Shadowland…I’m also thrilled to have my cover art mentioned. I had a blast painting Slimer! I tried to incorporate a little of his various looks from different media instead of any one specific version.
Thanks Spook Central!

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