Ghostbusters: The Ultimate Visual History Book Review

Ghostbusters: The Ultimate Visual History Book Review

Thanks for pointing these out! Does anyone out there have any idea what’s up with that baby? It’s so, so weird. Any guesses, even? A tagline that got dropped?

Best guess would be that it is one of the actors’, or Reitman’s kids just having wandered into shot. There’s a lightness to at least Murray in the photo that indicates its just a spontaneous mistake. I have no proof to back that up, of course, but it comes across that way.

also, petes boots are tucked in his boots in the baby pic .

Another error:

The book states that the interview J. Michael Straczynski gave to the L.A. Times about the Q5 changes to “The Real Ghostbusters” was in 1989; in actuality, it was in 1987.

Thanks for this detailed review. It finally turned the balance for me to forgo this book.

The weaknesses you pointed out and the blurred photos outweigh the otherwise great content for me.

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