Spook Central – Extreme Ghostbusters Score Music

On June 20, 2006 composer Jim Latham did a very generous thing. To a select few fans, he provided several pieces from his scores to the Extreme Ghostbusters and Godzilla animated series. And when I say a few, I’m not talking two or three, but a whole album’s worth! Since Mr. Latham would not be able to keep the files in his personal online account for very long (it’s the same account he uses to give files to clients), he graciously allowed those select fans to redistribute the music so that an even larger group of fans could enjoy it. Tracks 1 through 24 are the files Mr. Latham gave me, while all of the “bonus tracks” listed afterward come from other sources: the TV recordings were done by me, and the “no sound effects” theme was given by Mr. Latham to Christopher Baldock for his now-defunct site Bargain Bin Beats . More information follows the track list/embedded player.

Music Notes

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