Spook Central – Sigourney Weaver’s “Slime Poem”

I am a little Ghostbuster
Sigourney is my name
This picture cost a lot of bread
Let’s hope it makes the same

I played the damsel in distress
We know what that entails
An icebox put the moves on me
I woke up in a dog’s entrails

I was attacked by leaping eggs
Molested by a chair
Levitated more than once
Laz, Bob, Joe — it’s O.K.

Blown away and barbecued
Devoured by a terror pooch
I crawled out of his haunches and
Pete Venkman gave me such a smooch

I think in every dangerous scene
I had some part to play
My thanks and affection to special effects
You really blow me away

I’ve always felt so much support
And humor in this crew
To each and every single one
I’d like to say “Thank You”

Our cast is an ensemble
Ernie’s nice and Anne’s a honey
Ivan is always quick to laugh
Bill Atherton and I are never funny

I have a crush on Harold
And Danny is a dream
Moranis is my demon
And Ivan makes me scream

He has me growl and pant and snarl
And roll my eyes and more
Perhaps this is the break I need
To move into hard core

I’ve spent so much time laughing
In all my scenes with Bill
He’s teased me off the method
Now my preparation’s nil

I think I’m very lucky
Movies like this are far and few
I’ve had a really wonderful time
I’ll miss it all … and you

original GHOSBUSTERS poem by Sigourney Weaver

Started: May-31-03 16:01:43 PDT
Ended: Jun-03-03 16:01:43 PDT
Sold: $490.00
Location: Oceanside, CA

This is the poem written and read by Sigourney Weaver on the last day of shooting GHOSTBUSTERS. Siggy (her nickmame) wrote this herself and read it as a thanks to the cast and crew. In fact it is full of “in” jokes about the shoot and I will be glad to explain them to the buyer. This poem was quoted in full on page 205 of Don Shay’s book “Making Ghostbusters” from the 80’sThis is the original she wrote and read from and she gave it to me that day. We went on to make three movies together. I am in the middle of a crisis so I’ve taken this out of my personal scrapbooks to sell. This has rarely been seen outside my circle of friends. any questions, feel free to write, Michael C Gross (associate producer of GB, as well as exec producer of #2 and the animated series…also the designer of the “no ghost” logo.)

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