Spook Central: The Ghostbusters Companion – Ghostbusters, as originally broadcast on ABC on Sunday January 29, 1989

Ghostbusters, as originally broadcast on ABC on Sunday January 29, 1989
(presumably at either 8:00 or 9:00 PM EST)

Presented by Spook Central: The Ghostbusters Companion

You have two viewing options below. On the right you can watch the broadcast broken up into 15 files, which might work better for those of you on dial-up connections. On the left you can watch the broadcast as one complete video. The video is 400×300 in viewing size, which is a little larger than the normal 320×240 that I use on Spook Central. For more information on this broadcast, see my blog post, or read the fact list at the bottom of this page. Check out this blog post to read about the special 20th anniversary live online broadcast of this broadcast.

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