Ghostbusters PDF eBook Preservation Project – Ghostbusters: The Return, Real Ghostbusters Toy Booklets, And More!

Ghostbusters PDF eBook Preservation Project – Ghostbusters: The Return, Real Ghostbusters Toy Booklets, And More!

The Real Ghostbusters “starring” in Ghostbusters II comic books have been moved to Ectocontainment.™ As such the old files have been deleted. The three GB2 comics are in the Comics area.

It’s great to see the Kenner RGB “action toy guides” are available. I may or may not have that many. I was probably originally going to add it to Ectocontainment™ as well. Now I don’t have to. 8)

Do you have any of Kenner’s toy fair catalogs? I have one from 1989 and at some point will most likely put the RGB part on the site. If they’re still available for sale I know where I can get 1988, 1990, and 1991. Unfortunately the “gold” of 1987 catalogue alludes me.

I don’t have the Kenner toy fair catalogs. You now have me interested in seeing them. I assume these are the catalog given to retailers so they can order their supply to sell to customers, right?

Sure, why not answer this nearly about three years later.

Yes, as far as I’m aware from reading mostly auction descriptions, the catalogs were meant for toy retailers (I assume of the franchise kind) and were given out at “toy fairs” to retailers. Unlike today with the big toy fairs, cons, and other expos, the general public probably wouldn’t have been in attendance.

I have known where to get 1987, ‘88, (maybe ‘90) and ‘91 that wasn’t just eBay. As time has gone on, I don’t know if all those sites still have the catalogs. Of course I want the “Hot Toys” (if I’m remembering the theme) Kenner catalog as its the first year The Real Ghostbusters line was featured. When they come up on occasion, usually on eBay, the seller will want over a $100 for it.

I haven’t forgotten about the Kenner ‘89 “Hits” theme toy catalog. I don’t know when I’ll get to it. When I do, everyone who would care will know.

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