Spook Central – “Ghostbusters II” Electronic Press Kit

An Electronic Press Kit (EPK for short) is a video reel sent to various media outlets (like TV News programs) for them to use to help promote a film. It usually contains a trailer, film clips, making of featurette, cast and crew interviews, behind the scenes footage, and other such stuff. Columbia Pictures produced a Ghostbusters II EPK videocassette (they probably did one for Ghostbusters as well, but it hasn’t surfaced yet). This page will document the contents of the Ghostbusters II EPK. All runtimes listed are the times stated in the EPK itself. I have tried to include every bit of text from the blue title screens as written in the EPK. This includes the “Ch.” notations which indicate what is playing on the left and right audio channels (named 1 & 2 in the kit) in the original video. By the way, the Pay Per View trailer at the end is a hidden extra as it isn’t listed in the Table of Contents.

The entire Ghostbusters II Electronic Press Kit can be found on the fan-made “Ghostbusters Interviews And Music Videos Vol. 1” DVD, which can be purchased from Dan Liberg via my store page.

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©1989. Columbia Pictures Industries Inc.
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